Chamber Tombs Data Base

Project End of the Tradition of Chamber Tombs as a Indication of Cultural Change Among the Inhabitants of Syro-Palestine in the Roman Period is financed by National Science Centre of Poland. Grant no. UMO-2016/21/N/HS3/00040

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End of the tradition of chamber tombs as an indication of cultural change among the inhabitants of Syro-Palestine in the Roman period

The aim of the research is to obtain new information on the history of funerary architecture and cultural changes that occurred among the inhabitants of Syro-Palestine in the Roman period. Chamber tombs – built or rock-hewn structures accommodating family burials – have been chosen as the subject of the study. Tombs of this type became extremely popular in the Roman period. Their popularity is indicated by their number, amounting to several thousands, and their wide distribution in all of the Roman provinces in Syro-Palestine. We need to observe that chamber tombs became an important feature of the landscape surrounding cities and villages. Therefore, the question when and why these monuments ceased to be founded concerns a consequential change in material and spiritual culture of the Phoenicians, Aramaeans, Jews, and Arabs living in the region.

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The database contains basic qualitative data about chamber tombs discovered in the territories of ancient Syro-Palestine. It takes into account the tombs used from the Iron Age to the Early Islamic period. The database contains published tombs with a specific chronology.

Chamber Tombs Database

This database is dedicated to stone carved doors, which, equipped with various types of rotary axes and holes for locks, performed the same function as their much more common wooden counterparts. In Syro-Palestine, they were mainly used in the Roman and Byzantine period, mostly in tombs.

Stone Doors Database


The database contains published tombs with a specific chronology. I do not have the means to continuously update the data. However, I will try to add new materials or make important corrections, basing on your emails (mariusz.gwiazda (at) This database was created thanks to the publications of hundreds of scientists, I hope that they has been recorded fully and correctly. If you are unhappy with the way I used your materials, please contact me via email or contact form below.